January 22 , 2002

Prisiones en Cuba

Cuba's Raul Castro confident of "humane treatment" of Taleban at Guantanamo

BBC News Online - United Kingdom; Jan 22, 2002

Revolutionary Armed Forces Minister and Army Gen Raul Castro held a news conference in which he answered questions on future US-Cuba relations, which he classified as "unpredictable", as well as giving details on the Cuban military presence around Guantanamo Base and the US response to Cuba's offer of medical aid for the Taleban detainees. He also expressed Cuba's confidence that the US government will fulfil its declarations regarding the humane treatment of the prisoners held at Guantanamo. The following is the text of statements made by Army General Raul Castro Ruz during a meeting with the press in Guantanamo Province by Cuban TV on 20 January:

[Reporter] Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee and Revolutionary Armed Forces Minister (FAR) Army Gen Raul Castro Ruz ratified the spirit of cooperation to maintain the peaceful mood regarding Guantanamo Naval Base, as expressed on 11 January in a news conference with Cuban and international journalists. In response to a question as to whether Cuba received a response to its offer of medical and other aid made on that occasion, Raul said:

[Raul] The offer is being studied. Currently, the prisoners are beginning to arrive. Some 100, 110 have already arrived. The situation is in the government's declaration; I must make references called for by the topic like the fight against vectors, plagues and medical assistance. Although they are building a four-story hospital, with services, logistics personnel, military police. That topic will emerge in the future.

[Reporter] The FAR minister noted that since 1994 minimal cooperation, established as a result of thousands of Cuban rafters located on base, has existed with US military base personnel in Guantanamo.

[Raul] It was necessary to establish some cooperation. Both parts realized this. We prioritized some terms of cooperation limited to the base and its perimeter and took the corresponding measures to prevent accidents.

[Reporter] He emphasized that until 1994, a complex situation had prevailed in the area adjoining the base, according to his statements. He recalled the last serious incident, which occurred on 7 December 1989, when a sharpshooter fired from the Yankee naval station on a Cuban watchtower.

Raul ratified the satisfaction and tranquillity existing on the border with the base.

[Raul] Approximately two years ago they withdrew the last of the tanks they had here. We, in an unplanned gesture, withdrew tanks from the northern border to the interior. Later, after a year-and-a-half, two years had passed, we withdrew all the heavy artillery located in tunnels and aimed at a several points on the base. We even withdrew the mortars. Now there are only guns and some anti air defences.

[Reporter] He said that the American Miami fauna is displeased by this mood. He also expressed Cuba's confidence that the US government will fulfil its declarations regarding the humane treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Base.

[Raul] I reiterate that our discrepancy in this matter is not the fight against terrorism, rather it is the methods used to fight terrorism. We understand that logically, if a number of prisoners are transferred to this base over which, as stated, we do not have jurisdiction, personnel will be brought in the numbers more or less mentioned. Our government, as declared in the 11 January statement, does not plan to strengthen its forces around the perimeter of base, because it is unnecessary.

[Reporter] With regard to the possibility of escape by one of the prisoners detained in Guantanamo, Raul stated: "Gen Solar answered appropriately the other day. [The prisoner] would be captured and the other government would be notified. I, because I a have a higher rank than Solar, say that they would be captured and returned through the [word indistinct] door.

[Reporter] Regarding the future of Cuba-United States relations, Army Gen Raul Castro Ruz stated:

[Raul] What do I think about that? I think that the relations between the United States and Cuba are unpredictable. You know, yesterday I was speaking with the Commanders of the Revolution. A series of steps are being taken. They are interesting and positive. I, and I think all my comrades, applaud everything that is being done.

The United States knows our position. It is known that we do not want that base to be there. It must be returned one day peacefully, as Gen Espinosa stated. Peacefully. It is known that we do not like it, but it is a reality. We must take it into account. We are aware that they do not like our social system. However, we are here and we plan to remain. I also think, speaking and exchanging ideas with the comrades last night, you may have guessed or imagined that this limited amount of cooperation is a sample of the cooperation that can exist. We see each other everyday. Our officials, our troops look each other in the face daily.

There is room, within the current framework of relations, which you know perfectly well - I do not have to restate them - the ups and downs and despite the positive elements, there is room for greater cooperation with regard to the drug problem, disorganized migration and the fight against terrorism.

No one orders us around. Our people tell us what to do. I just told you that we do not disagree with the fight against terrorism. How can we disagree with the war on terrorism? Furthermore, how can they tell us "with terrorism or with me"? It is unacceptable. We deeply regret and know the meaning of the terrible events of 11 September. It was a hard blow. We have been suffering that hard blow for more than 40 years.

BBC Monitoring/ © BBC.

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