February 8, 2000



José Antonio Fornaris, Cuba-Verdad

HAVANA, February - The Elián González affair is now at the roundtable stage. Daily there is one on some aspect or other of the case. Television provides complete coverage and broadcasts them in their entirety, at least twice a day.

There have been so many already that people comment that it would be good if they would just roll away and that, sometimes, for variety, they should hold square, rectangular or triangular tables as well.

The one this last Thursday lasted for more than two hours, and grouped anew psychiatrists and psychologists. The experts said again that the young rafter is permanently subject to dangers and mistreatment, and that the whole environment surrounding Elián in one way or another is meant to harm his personality. They said, even, that the happiness reflected in his face is false, and that if he doesn't return to Cuba soon, his psyche will be irreparably harmed.

An expert, as we already know, is one who knows a lot about little. And these gentlemen perhaps know a lot about peoples' minds, although about that there is a lot more that is not known than what is known, but they don't know or don't want to know anything about the human soul.

It's totally impossible that the relatives who took Elián into their home -although the house is no longer theirs, people now say Elián's home- do everything with evil intent, and that the love and care they offer the child are meant to harm him. There is no family or group of people who could do that to a child.

At the same time, the government and its mouthpieces continue blaming the "Miami mafia" for Elián's non-return. It is something appropriate to maniacs and desperadoes, and doesn't show the least imagination. The epithet is repeated to the extent that the only thing it has accomplished is general boredom.

According to the official version, Elián's family or "the kidnappers" are mixed up with the mafia. The nun who let her house be used for the child to meet with his grandmothers also is mixed up with the mafia. Not only Elián, but also the U.S. government is hostage to the mafia. Everything is a mafia.

They repeat the phrase once and again in various ways through the radio, TV, and newspapers.

Following that train of thought, and since Elián is in the middle of it and himself mixed up with that mafia, soon, irretrievably, we will have to reach the conclusion that he also belongs to the Miami mafia.

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