April 5, 2005

Che T-shirts keep reality under wraps

Myriam Márquez. Published March 31, 2005 in the Orlando Sentinel.

The first time I saw a Che thingamajiggy -- a coffee mug with his mug on it -- I was traveling through Spain 20 years ago. I was surprised to find the image of the Argentinean Marxist revolutionary who became the most popular figure, after Fidel Castro, in Cuba's revolution, on display. Silly me.

Spain's law-and-order "Generalisimo" Francisco Franco was dead, and the country was finally getting a taste of true democracy, with political parties of all stripes vying for attention. Some Spaniards, after enduring Franco's strongman rule for decades, were sipping democracy from a mug with an avowed Marxist on it who saw the possibility of political change only through the butt of a rifle.

Such are life's ironies.

The myth of Ernesto "Che" Guevara goes beyond communist sympathizers. Often apolitical people, and university students in particular, are enamored by the story of a young doctor who grew up in a well-to-do home and left it all to pursue "justice" for the world's impoverished masses, starting in a Caribbean island dominated by centuries of Spanish colonial rule and almost six decades of U.S. government and corporate meddling. That Che's form of "justice" would include overseeing mock trials in post-revolutionary Cuba that resulted in firing squads that killed hundreds of people for "crimes" against the revolution -- televised on Cuban television, no less -- seems lost in the translation.

Cuban-Americans have long reacted with apoplectic ire over Che's popularity almost 40 years after his gruesome death by the Bolivian military. Che had gone off to Bolivia (after trying and failing in Africa and a host of other places) to start another Castro-inspired revolution. He's been a pop-culture "hero" ever since.

So I wasn't surprised when e-mails started pouring in, calling one of my favorite guitarists, Carlos Santana, all sorts of names not worthy of print in a family newspaper. He dared sport a Che T-shirt under his blazer at the Academy Awards. It's been a month, and the e-mails keep coming. The last one took offense that a public-television station in the Washington area would showcase Eric Burdon, formerly with The Animals, because he was wearing a Che T-shirt. Like, nobody cares.

The exile community has every right to speak up when it's offended -- that's why we live in the land of the free. But a little measured selectivity would be wise, too. Make that a lot.

Otherwise, exiles come off as reactionary whiners who can't see the wisdom of free speech on both sides of any issue. To equate Che with Charles Manson or Adolf Hitler, as some people are doing, simply turns off genuinely interested people who might otherwise have listened to an exile's point of view.

Of course, Santana, who's from Mexico, had a reason for having Che's bereted face on his chest. He was selected to strum to the Oscar-nominated Spanish song, "Al Otro Lado del Rio," which won for best song featured in The Motorcycle Diaries. It's a travelogue of sorts about Che and a buddy touring South America on bike in 1951-52, back before Che was a radical anything.

There are enough affronts and hurts to go around the globe a few thousand times over about Che's legacy.

What's missing is a measure of historical distance or recognition that there's often a good, bad and ugly part to any legend. I certainly can't put that distance on display. I never saw Diaries precisely because the part of Che's life that I know about is the one that gave my parents and their generation so much pain. (For the record, my family early on supported the revolution, as most exiles did, because Castro promised democratic elections.)

Grammy-winning jazz great, Paquito D'Rivera, a worldwide talent who fled Cuba in the 1980s, apparently weighed in this week with an "open letter" to Santana. He noted that wearing Che's face is "a harsh blow" because Cuban youth in the 1960s "had to go into hiding to listen to your albums, which the Revolution and the troglodyte Argentinean and his cohorts, dubbed as 'imperialist music.' "

Put that on a T-shirt.

Myriam Marquez can be reached at or 407-420-5399.

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