April 26, 2002

Cuba News / The Miami Herald

Castro seen as starting new interventionism

Posted on Thu, Apr. 25, 2002 in The Miami Herald

Cuban President Fidel Castro's latest diatribes against Mexico and other Latin American countries that recently voted to demand a United Nations human rights mission to Cuba may be much more than an effort by the ''maximum leader'' to divert attention from his island's domestic problems.

There is a growing view among U.S. and Latin American diplomats that Castro, who suffered a political blow last week when seven Latin American countries sponsored the region's first human rights resolution against Cuba at the United Nations, may be starting a new cycle of open intervention in Latin American countries' domestic affairs.

Castro, who had successfully rebuilt Cuba's diplomatic relations with Latin American countries in the '90s but is now facing a growing mixture of apathy and criticism from his neighbors, may now be turning to his ''Plan B:'' using Latin American opposition parties as a political weapon to press governments to support his 4-decade-old dictatorship.

''He is trying to generate political and public opinion pressures to force us to reconsider our Cuba policy,'' a top Mexican diplomat told me Wednesday. ''He's playing the domestic political card because he knows that he cannot force us to backtrack from our pro-human rights policy.'' Granted, Castro has always played the ''domestic political'' card in Latin America, but in recent years he had done it more secretly, because he didn't want to antagonize the very governments he was trying to court.

But now that Latin American countries turned against Cuba at the U.N. Human Rights Commission and Uruguay became the first country in the Hemisphere in many years to break relations with Cuba earlier this week, Castro may be opting for a more overt political intervention in the region.


Consider the political earthquake he provoked in Mexico this week by calling a press conference in Havana and releasing a secretly taped recording of a telephone conversation with Fox on March 19, two days before a U.N. summit on economic development in Monterrey.

According to Castro, the tape proves that Fox had lied to the world by stating publicly that he had not asked Castro not to attend the summit, nor pressured him to leave before President Bush's arrival.

In the tape, Fox is heard suggesting Castro to leave town after lunch April 22, the day of Bush's arrival, "so that you create no complications for me on Friday.''

Castro told the press conference that the tape proved that Fox is ''totally dependent'' on the United States. It was like touching a major scar in a country that still resents having lost half of its territory to the United States in the mid-19th century. In effect, Castro was giving Mexico's opposition a precious political weapon with

which to attack -- and embarrass -- the Mexican president.

Rosario Robles, president of the left-leaning Democratic Revolutionary Party, called Fox "a liar.''

Another PRD leader, Marti Batres, called Fox's demands on Castro "the biggest disgrace Mexican foreign policy has ever suffered.''

The PRI, a corruption-plagued authoritarian party that ruled Mexico for 71 years until Fox's election two years ago, charged that Fox's U.N. vote on Cuba has ruined Mexico's 100-year-long special relationship with Cuba.


The two opposition parties are making the most of Castro's political present. The Institutional Revolutionary Party and the PRD, the big losers of the 2000 elections that brought Fox to power, control two thirds of the Mexican Congress, and are fighting for a greater congressional say in national and international affairs.

They have picked Fox's Cuba policy as a test case for their efforts to increase congressional powers.

The two opposition parties are also positioning themselves for Mexico's 2003 legislative elections, and are attacking Fox's foreign policy because it's the area in which the Mexican president has made the biggest changes.

Fox has moved Mexico closer to the United States and Europe, and farther away from Cuba and other bankrupt dictatorships -- something they see as an affront to Mexico's foreign policy independence.


Will Castro's new political interventionism work?

I doubt it. The polls in Mexico show that both Fox and Castro came out with a black eye from this one, but that Castro is likely to come out worse in the long run. A telephone survey by Radio Imagen on Wednesday showed that 92 percent of listeners agree with Fox's pro-human rights foreign policy.

And the clearer it becomes that Mexico's public opinion doesn't back Castro, the more opposition politicians will move on to another issue with which to attack Fox. Castro may try a new wave of political interventionism in the region, but he may be too old -- and too discredited -- to rally more than the usual crowd of old-guard leftist activists around him.

U.S. wants Reno dropped from Miami raid lawsuits

By Catherine Wilson. Associated Press Writer

MIAMI - (AP) -- Government attorneys asked an appeals court Tuesday to erase former Attorney General Janet Reno from lawsuits claiming excessive force was used in the federal raid to seize Elian Gonzalez.

Attorneys for the young Cuban boy's Miami relatives and protesters camped outside their Little Havana home want the court to allow both cases to move ahead with claims of constitutional rights violations.

A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was noticeably quiet during arguments. Its decision, most likely months off, will go a long way toward determining whether the cases reach trial.

The court must decide whether top government officials can be held personally responsible for monetary damages for the actions of rank and file agents in the field, said Gregory Katsas, deputy assistant attorney general.

''There simply isn't a sufficient connection between what Ms. Reno allegedly did and what happened on the ground in Miami,'' said government attorney Scott McIntosh.

To keep Reno in the case, he argued the appeals court would have to believe ''that the attorney general in Washington 1,000 miles away was somehow clairvoyant'' about how the paramilitary raid would play out.

Larry Klayman, attorney for the outdoor protesters, likened the Cuban boy's seizure to the deadly raid on the Branch Davidian compound and the Ruby Ridge standoff and said the Justice Department ``cannot behave in this fashion.''

''No one is above the law, and that's the beauty of this country,'' said Klayman, attorney for the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch. To Klayman, the government was arguing ``that the sovereign in this country is unquestionably sovereign.''

McIntosh described the case on much narrower grounds, saying Reno should be immune to lawsuits for ordering the raid during negotiations for the boy's surrender two years ago Monday.

At that time, the same appeals court had an order in place saying Elian could not be taken out of the country while it considered the father's request to take him home.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service had ordered Elian's relatives to hand him over. Within hours of the raid, agents reunited the boy and his father and they eventually returned to Cuba.

''There was excessive force used,'' said Ronald Guralnick, attorney for Elian's relatives suing Reno, her then-deputy Eric Holder and INS chief Doris Meissner. ``It was a direct and proximate result of their conduct in initiating this raid.''

People at the house ranging in age from 5 to their 70s said they were illegally kicked, punched, thrown to the ground, gassed with pepper spray and tear gas, held at gunpoint and restrained during the raid.

No courts have found ''any of the specific actions taken here by any officers on the ground were unconstitutional,'' McIntosh responded.

While government attorneys said no one suffered injuries requiring medical attention, Klayman argued, ``The gassings to this day are having an effect on these people.''

The same injuries claimed in previous lawsuits have been ''held to be insufficient to support an excessive force claim,'' Katsas said.

The raid gave Reno a black eye in Miami's Cuban-American community, but Americans overwhelmingly supported giving the boy back to his father. Reno is now running as a Democrat challenging Republican Gov. Jeb Bush.

If the appeals court allows the cases to proceed, Guralnick said he doubted Reno would face trial during the governor's race.


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