November 7, 2001

Cuba suddenly seems to be a very safe place

Havana's ties to terrorist hotbeds and tendency to open your mail are oddly comforting these days, the Tribune's Laurie Goering observes.

Laurie Goering. Published November 7, 2001 in the Chicago Tribune.

HAVANA -- When I returned to Cuba the other day for the first time since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, my landlord rushed to give me a hug.

"Thank goodness you're back home where it's safe!" she said.

I had to smile at how the world has changed. Not too long ago, it was my friends and family living in the United States telling me to be careful out there. Now I'm the one asking them to watch out.

What constitutes a safe place in the world is changing fast.

For five years I lived in Rio de Janeiro, where street kids fell to the guns of off-duty cops and petty crime was widespread. But those of us rich enough to live outside the slums felt safe. Brazil had no enemies in the world.

We were beyond the reach of Cold War rhetoric, nuclear weapons, Arab terrorists. In Rio's warm sunshine, all that seemed a world away.

No more. Last month a letter reported to have been tainted with anthrax arrived in the Rio office of The New York Times, into the hands of a friend who works there. She immediately started a course of antibiotics, and later a lab analysis determined that the substance on the letter wasn't anthrax after all.

Still, that once-safe corner of the world doesn't seem so safe anymore.

Somebody also blew up a McDonald's in Rio, at night when no one was around to be hurt. A year ago we would have laughed at what surely was a symbolic blow against the emblem of creeping American culture. Now everything has taken on darker overtones.

Even here in Cuba people are looking over their shoulders. When a trio of visiting Arabs in white robes and turbans strolled down Old Havana's main shopping street one day recently, the crowd parted before them, staring and pointing and murmuring.

And when an electrical transformer exploded outside the home of the new press officer of the U.S. Interests Section in Havana, a crowd of journalists gathered there for a cocktail momentarily froze, silent and worried.

"It's OK, it's OK," somebody said finally. "We're in Havana!"

In some ways Cuba may be one of the safest places to weather the current storms of war, even if the weather itself hasn't been too kind with the recent hurricane.

While Cuba was listed once again this year as a state that sponsors terrorism, it lies well down the U.S. list of current terrorist concerns. Nobody argues that Cuba has anything to do with the current crisis, and a group of U.S. analysts last month wrote an open letter suggesting that Cuba should be removed from the terror list.

On the other hand, Cuba's 40 years of warm relations with the likes of Libya and Syria mean the terrorists of that region aren't very interested in creating trouble in Havana. No one is seeding anthrax here, although everyone keeps an eye out. A computer technician tells me that a keyboard covered with innocuous white dust was hustled to a lab in Havana for tests the other day, just to be safe.

A few Cuban quirks may make Havana a particularly safe place.

Foreign journalists sometimes complained that their mail was opened they received it; now no one complains. In fact, with the worldwide tourism slowdown since the September attacks, I've been thinking that Cuba needs a new marketing slogan, highlighting its at least temporarily secure spot in a less-secure world.

The island's airplanes for years have had beefy security guards and locking and barred cabin doors, the better to deter hijackers bound for Miami. Maybe the next round of tourism posters needs to show exactly that.

Copyright © 2001, Chicago Tribune

Write your opinion to the Chicago Tribune

Unsafe Cuba

Jose R. Cardenas, Washington director The Cuban American.

Published November 16, 2001 in the Chicago Tribune

Washington -- It was extremely disappointing to read that a Tribune correspondent found that, during these troubling times in the United States, it is "oddly comforting" to be in a repressive dictatorship like Castro's Cuba ("Cuba suddenly seems to be a very safe place," News, Nov. 7).

If the tragic events of Sept. 11 reminded us of one thing, it's that the freedoms we enjoy in America are not free. And if the history of Castro's Cuba teaches us anything, it's that if you trade your freedoms for security, you'll wind up with neither.

Copyright © 2001, Chicago Tribune


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