February 26, 2001

Stay tough on Castro, exiles tell governor

By David Cázares, The Sun-Sentinel. Sun-Sentinel. Web-posted: 10:24 p.m. Feb. 24, 2001

MIAMI -- When George W. Bush won the presidency last year by edging past Al Gore to win Florida's crucial electoral votes, many observers were quick to attribute the Republican victory to Cuban-American anger over the Clinton administration's handling of Elián González.

But to many of those voters, Elián was only part of the equation.

On Saturday, leaders of Cuban exile organizations reminded Gov. Jeb Bush that they had supported his brother because they believe a Republican administration represents the best chance for achieving tough policies against Fidel Castro. In a meeting conducted almost entirely in Spanish in a Little Havana bank, they urged the governor to take that message to the president today.

"This is the best opportunity that we have to fight for freedom in Cuba," said Elpidio Nuñez, the president of a meat packing company who has been involved in the exile movement for four decades. "If we send an adequate message to the Castro regime it will disappear," Nuñez said.

For Nuñez and a group of about 30 other exile leaders -- many in their 60s, 70s and 80s -- the Clinton administration's policy of encouraging people-to-people contact between the United States and Cuba was a setback.

Exile leaders say they're encouraged by what they've heard from President Bush and hope he will use the nation's bully pulpit at the United Nations and in the court of world opinion to pressure Cuba. They also want him to stem the island's influence in Latin America.

The group, which included Jorge Mas Santos, chairman of the Cuban American National Foundation, also wants to see the United States direct the signals of Radio Martí and Television Martí into Cuba and to enforce the Helms-Burton law. The law permits lawsuits against foreign companies operating on property confiscated from Americans in Cuba.

"Tell your brother to support the embargo," said Carlos M. Lluch, who leads the Union of Cuban Workers in Exile. "If he does that, he will always have the solidarity and support, not only of the workers, but also of the entire Cuban community."

One of the messages the president will receive will come from Eva Barbas, the mother of Pablo Morales, one of four Brothers to the Rescue fliers who was killed when Cuban jets shot down two of the group's planes on Feb. 24, 1996.

Barbas and Brothers to the Rescue founder Jose Basulto gave Bush a letter to the president that calls for the criminal indictment of Castro for the murder of the four men. The other three, Carlos Costa, Armando Alejandre Jr. and Mario de la Peña, were U.S. citizens.

The governor promised to convey what he heard to the president.

David Cázares can be reached at or 305-810-5012.

Copyright 2000, Sun-Sentinel Co. & South Florida Interactive, Inc.


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