June 30, 2005

Cuban doctor tells of struggle to register

Ingrid Oellermann. The Mercury, South Africa, June 28 2005.

An orthopaedic surgeon from Cuba has claimed that the Health Professions Council of South Africa had refused to renew his yearly registration certificate because of pressure by Cuban authorities who hope to make an example of him so that other Cuban doctors would "toe the line".

Pietermaritzburg-based Mario Menchero - who is married to an attorney who has represented numerous Cuban doctors in legal battles with the South African health authorities - has said in the Pietermaritzburg High Court that he has been labelled a "traitor" and was being victimised as a result of his marriage.

Menchero alleges in court papers that the fact that he was not registered led to him being placed on leave without pay. He was based at Grey's Hospital in Pietermaritzburg.

He said Cuban authorities viewed his marrying a South African and taking up permanent residence in South Africa, as "almost an act of treachery", something he could not understand.

Menchero obtained an interim court order by consent yesterday, in terms of which the Health Professions Council is to accept payment of his yearly registration fee and extend his registration with effect from May 22, pending the finalisation of the dispute. The return date for the application is July 11.

Respondents in the case include the KwaZulu-Natal Health Minister, the Health Professions Council, and D J Kotze, the Board Manager of the Medical and Dental Professions Board, who is cited in his personal capacity as the person who allegedly refused to process Menchero's application.

In his affidavit, Menchero said when he came to South Africa in 1998 as part of the treaty between SA and Cuba, which allowed Cuban doctors to work in the public service in this country, authorities had already removed a restriction stipulating that the doctors could not work in South Africa for more than three years.

From then on, doctors could stay indefinitely provided that there was a need for their services.

Menchero said his competence was recognised by his peers and he was responsible for most orthopaedic surgery on children at Grey's Hospital. The acting head of the department had described his services as "crucial" to the department.

Menchero said he had been a member of the "local" Communist Party which met monthly at the hospital. The party aimed to support Cubans in Pietermaritzburg and keep alive the ideals that had formed the basis of their education.

In 2002 the Sunday Tribune published an article about a case dealing with the legal difficulties of a Cuban doctor. Menchero said the doctor concerned was a friend of his and was also his wife's client.

When he and other members of the Communist Party were ordered to write a letter to the newspaper in response to the story "extolling the virtues of Cuba and its system", he had been reluctant. The secretary-general of the party had "instructed" him to write the letter. Menchero said he had indicated he would resign from the party.

At subsequent meetings he had been "vilified" and told if he kept "his attitude", he would be expelled from the party, lose his job and be deported.

Menchero said he had been described as "a traitor and a revolutionary" at a meeting in February 2003.

"I was compared to Gen Arnaldo Ochoa who had been one of the heroes of the Cuban revolution, but who, in 1989, was accused of treachery and drug dealing and was executed by firing squad."

Menchero said several of the speakers who had publicly vilified him, had shaken his hand in private and apologised, saying it was "not personal" and they were forced to publicly criticise and attack him.

Since those incidents, there had been other attempts to victimise and harass him, he alleged.  


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